🪙 Motion AI Token

Fair Launch Information: Motion AI Token

📅 Date: April 17, 2024 🕕 Time: 6:00 PM UTC

🌐 Join us for the much-anticipated fair launch of the Motion AI Token! Mark your calendars for April 17th, 2024, at 6:00 PM UTC, as we unveil our token to the world in a transparent and equitable manner.

💹 Don't miss this opportunity to participate in our fair launch event and become part of the Motion AI community.

Motion AI Tokenomics

📊 Total Supply: 10 million tokens

💸 Allocation:

  • Tokens for Fair Launch and Liquidity Pool (LP): 99.5%

🔒 Liquidity Lock:

  • Liquidity will be locked at launch to ensure security and stability.

📣 Contract Reannouncement:

  • The contract will be reannounced to provide transparency and reassurance to the community.

🚀 Launch Details:

  • Taxes at Launch: 25% on both buys and sells for the first 5-10 minutes to deter snipers.

  • After 10 minutes, taxes reduce to 5% on both buys and sells to promote healthy trading dynamics.

Join us for this fair and transparent launch event as we introduce the Motion AI Token to the world! Stay tuned for further updates and join our community to be part of our journey of innovation and growth! #MotionAI #Tokenomics #FairLaunch 🌟

Last updated